United Kingdom

A timeless establishment in ode to the chef, Robin Gill’s, father.

Project Information
Darbys was in a brand-new building, in a brand-new neighbourhood. Yet we wanted to create a place that felt like it had been there for years and will be for years to come. The chef Robin Gill had a space for a bakery, a grill and a fully stocked bar. He had a menu that changes with the seasons and suppliers he knew on a first name basis. He wanted this place to have a buzz and a New York state of mind. A space with a big personality. With the underlying pin of all decisions becoming “Good Honest Grandeur” we created a timeless establishment in ode to Gill’s father, a famous jazz musician and trumpeter who toured the US in the 60’s. Darby lived life to the bucket full, appreciated all the finer things in life but none of the gimmicks. This is replicated in the food that is served, good quality products, friendly service and an air of humble sophistication that welcomes everyone, at any time of day.

Brand Strategy
Brand Identity
Brand Activation
Art direction
Website design
Signage and wayfinding
Print collateral design

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